
Lessons learned from India
Everything takes longer One of the biggest things we noticed while in India was that it takes large amounts of time even to accomplish...
CE Team
Apr 1, 20163 min read

Thoughts on living in the developing world
When we decided to do this project many of our advisors suggested we spend time in the developing world to get a stronger sense of some...
CE Team
Mar 22, 20162 min read

Some mixed views on the treatment of animals in India
We knew when coming to India that a huge percentage of the population was vegetarian and many different cultures in India had respect for...
CE Team
Feb 19, 20163 min read

Reflections on our first slum tour
Our team is now in India, and one of the first things we did was arrange a tour of a large slum in New Delhi. We did this through PETE, a...
CE Team
Jan 26, 20164 min read