
Applications Now Open for AIM’s 2025 Programs
Applications for the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program and AIM’s new Founding to Give Program are now OPEN!
CE Team
Jul 25, 20247 min read

Tips for people considering starting new incubators
Charity Entrepreneurship is frequently contacted by individuals and donors who like our model. Several have expressed interest in seeing...
Joey Savoie
May 27, 202310 min read

After launch. How are CE charities progressing?
TL;DR: Charity Entrepreneurship have helped to kick-start 23 impact-focused nonprofits in four years. We believe that starting more...
Ula Zarosa
Mar 6, 20237 min read

Entrepreneurship Explained: Nonprofits, For-Profits, and Social Ventures
There are many ways to use entrepreneurship to make the world a better place. Our organization Charity Entrepreneurship focuses on the...
Joey Savoie
Mar 1, 20215 min read

Impactful Opportunities Around and Adjacent to Charity Entrepreneurship
We recently hosted an online event, “Impactful opportunities around and adjacent to charity entrepreneurship”. In this short talk and Q&A...
CE Team
Feb 12, 20211 min read

What is a Reasonable Financial Safety Net for a Charity Entrepreneur
Charity entrepreneurship in many ways is a less stable career than a traditional job. Charities in their early days will have limited...
Joey Savoie
Apr 13, 20203 min read

How to Successfully Pick a Co-Founder
No pressure, but picking your co-founder is one of the most important decisions you will ever make as a charity entrepreneur. Only...
Patrick Stadler
Mar 1, 202010 min read

Should I Start a Charity Now Or Later?
Is now the right time? Am I experienced enough? These are two major questions for many potential charity entrepreneurs. Here’s our take....
CE Team
Jan 29, 20203 min read

Five Challenges a Charity Entrepreneur Faces -- and How to Manage Them
“Why take this risk?” Mentioning at a family gathering that you would like to become a charity entrepreneur might trigger looks of...
Patrick Stadler
Jan 16, 20206 min read

Six Ways Your Charity Startup Might Fail -- and How to Prevent That
Your charity startup just hit the ground running. You are passionate about your cause, you just gave a big talk at a conference, and...
Patrick Stadler
Jan 1, 20209 min read

Why charity entrepreneurship is one of the highest-impact things you can do
In this talk from EA Global 2018: London, Joey Savoie, Charity Entrepreneurship's director, discusses why charity entrepreneurship is one...
CE Team
Feb 24, 201922 min read

Which jobs will best prepare you to become a charity entrepreneur?
The first thing to consider is whether you need a job to prepare yourself for charity entrepreneurship as a career path. A number of...
CE Team
Dec 12, 20184 min read

Setting our salary based on the world’s average GDP per capita
A lot of people in the EA movement have a large say over their salary, whether it be earning to give where you can donate down to a...
CE Team
Aug 25, 20182 min read

How to prepare for founding your own charity
There are a variety of ways to prepare for founding your own charity. There is, of course, the legal and bureaucratic work, but much more...
CE Team
Jul 28, 20183 min read

What traits make a great charity entrepreneur
“I’m convinced that half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.” -- Steve Jobs...
CE Team
Jul 18, 20185 min read

How Logistics Will Influence Which Intervention You Pick
“You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics.” -...
CE Team
Apr 16, 20187 min read

Counterfactual impact: what would happen if you didn’t act?
“In order to be irreplaceable, you must always be different.” - Coco Chanel WHAT IS COUNTERFACTUAL IMPACT? Counterfactual impact is what...
CE Team
Apr 16, 20175 min read

Starting charities: When to Do it Yourself, Hire, and Inspire?
There are many different ways to help create a charity and they each come with different trade-offs between time, money, and execution....
CE Team
Jun 1, 20162 min read

Why charity entrepreneurship?
This article was co-authored by Kieran Greig, Joey Savoie, and Katherine Savoie. A number of considerations suggest that charity...
CE Team
Oct 28, 20155 min read