
The Importance of Evidence
“Insofar as a scientific statement speaks about reality, it must be falsifiable; and in so far as it is not falsifiable, it does not...
CE Team
Apr 7, 201711 min read

“Smart can also mean wise, kind, inspiring - and cost-effective. And that has a charm all its own.” - Nancy Gibbs When researching what...
CE Team
Apr 3, 20177 min read

What is the expected value of creating a GiveWell top charity?
Earlier this year, GiveWell Experimental predicted that we, the team behind Charity Science Health (CSH), have a 15% chance of becoming a...
CE Team
Dec 17, 20167 min read

Using a Spreadsheet to Make Good Decisions: Five Examples
This post was previously published at EA forum by Peter Hurford We all make decisions every day. Some of these decisions are pretty...
CE Team
Nov 25, 20168 min read

$500 prize for anybody who can change our current top choice of intervention
We have completed our second phase of research which was to narrow a list of about thirty charity ideas to a more concise list of five...
CE Team
May 10, 20162 min read

Lessons learned from India
Everything takes longer One of the biggest things we noticed while in India was that it takes large amounts of time even to accomplish...
CE Team
Apr 1, 20163 min read

What's so great about increasing IQ?
--- This blog post has been edited and updated based on new information sent to us about the relationship between IQ and income. We feel...
CE Team
Mar 30, 201610 min read

Six Examples of Measuring Incomplete Metrics ...and How to Fix Them
If you want to create an effective charity, how do you know if it is effective? A very common answer is, by doing detailed measurement...
CE Team
Mar 25, 20167 min read

Reflections on our first slum tour
Our team is now in India, and one of the first things we did was arrange a tour of a large slum in New Delhi. We did this through PETE, a...
CE Team
Jan 26, 20164 min read

What people overvalue when hiring
A consistent trend I have seen is to hire people based on qualities that are not connected to the job. A few of the many possible...
CE Team
Nov 24, 20152 min read

Cluster Approach Thinking Applied to Selecting Fundraising Methods
Hi, I am Kieran. I joined the Charity Science team in June 2015 after volunteering since the previous February. Hope you're enjoying the...
CE Team
Aug 8, 20153 min read