
Introduction to Effective Altruism
Charity Entrepreneurship is part of the Effective Altruism movement. If you’re going through our incubation program, it’s likely that...
Ishaan Guptasarma
Apr 13, 20202 min read

Working With Your Co-Founder. How to Excel at Decision-Making, Task Management, and Communication
Now, work can start. You picked a co-founder with shared values and goals, a complementary skill set and compatible psychology (see How...
Patrick Stadler
Mar 1, 20208 min read

How to Strengthen Your Co-Founder Relationship
“Your co-founder relationship is like a marriage”. This common statement from experienced startup operators might sound like a stretch,...
Patrick Stadler
Mar 1, 20207 min read

Update on Six New Charities Incubated by Charity Entrepreneurship
In 2019, the Charity Entrepreneurship team graduated 13 alumni, who went on to launch six new charities, five of which implement...
Ishaan Guptasarma
Feb 24, 20205 min read

How an Advisory and Legal Board Can Guide Your Charity
Mentors, advisors, board members… These types of supporters can add a lot to your charity startup. Yet it is essential to follow a few...
Patrick Stadler
Feb 4, 202010 min read

Five Challenges a Charity Entrepreneur Faces -- and How to Manage Them
“Why take this risk?” Mentioning at a family gathering that you would like to become a charity entrepreneur might trigger looks of...
Patrick Stadler
Jan 16, 20206 min read

Six Ways Your Charity Startup Might Fail -- and How to Prevent That
Your charity startup just hit the ground running. You are passionate about your cause, you just gave a big talk at a conference, and...
Patrick Stadler
Jan 1, 20209 min read

A guide to increasing the impact of your research by involving decision-makers
Why is some research conducted with very high quality, yet it does not affect decisions on where to direct our time and money? What makes...
Karolina Sarek
Nov 20, 20196 min read

How to come to better conclusions by playing steelman solitaire
I have a tool for thinking that I call “steelman solitaire”. I have found that it comes to much better conclusions than doing...
CE Team
Nov 12, 20196 min read

What does it take to be a skeptical charity?
Organizational self-confidence is seen as a very positive trait and is often embraced by new start-ups and nonprofits. The concept of...
CE Team
Jan 24, 20192 min read

Charities Love Feedback (As Long As It's Complimentary)
First published at in 2014 Many charities claim to accept and even enjoy feedback (both positive and critical), but I...
CE Team
Jan 22, 20192 min read

Organizational Slack. How to run a stable organization
He quit! It was a tricky decision that Bill had been considering for months. He was an impact-focused EA, and although he thought his job...
CE Team
Jan 10, 20194 min read

The Importance of Time Capping
Time capping can be defined as fixing the number of hours for a certain task, research project or decision, and keeping our research...
Joey Savoie
Nov 16, 20184 min read

Our Process for Narrowing Down Which Charity Ideas to Research
Animal advocacy is a huge area and there are thousands of possible ideas to investigate, which could all be the basis for forming...
CE Team
Oct 1, 20186 min read

Setting our salary based on the world’s average GDP per capita
A lot of people in the EA movement have a large say over their salary, whether it be earning to give where you can donate down to a...
CE Team
Aug 25, 20182 min read

How Logistics Will Influence Which Intervention You Pick
“You will not find it difficult to prove that battles, campaigns, and even wars have been won or lost primarily because of logistics.” -...
CE Team
Apr 16, 20187 min read

Why You Should Care About Indirect Effects
“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” - Margaret...
CE Team
Apr 13, 20188 min read

Why You Should Care About Scalability
“The difference between a charity that saves two million lives and a million lives is the same as the difference between one that never...
CE Team
Apr 11, 20185 min read

The importance of being flexible
How often should you re-evaluate whether your charity is worth continuing? Although it is crucial to do your best to disconfirm your...
CE Team
Apr 9, 20184 min read

Counterfactual impact: what would happen if you didn’t act?
“In order to be irreplaceable, you must always be different.” - Coco Chanel WHAT IS COUNTERFACTUAL IMPACT? Counterfactual impact is what...
CE Team
Apr 16, 20175 min read