
Are China and India the most promising countries for animal advocacy? Country comparison
When considering starting a new charity, the question of which country to target is an important one. This post explains the process for...
CE Team
Aug 6, 20196 min read

Do corporate campaigns work? A comprehensive analysis of the evidence for and against
In recent years, there has been an observable shift in the animal advocacy movement towards institutional change. Corporate outreach is...
CE Team
Aug 4, 20191 min read

Did corporate campaigns in the US have any counterfactual impact? A quantitative model
Decision-making on which charities to establish involves certain complex processes. Part of this analysis is looking at the effectiveness...
CE Team
May 30, 201915 min read

35 Independent Pieces of Evidence for Why New Corporate Campaigns Might (or Might Not) Work
The following report is a part of ongoing research by Charity Entrepreneurship looking into corporate outreach as a potential approach...
CE Team
May 22, 20192 min read

Top Charity Ideas 2019
CHARITY IDEAS SHORT SUMMARY These charity summaries are very short summaries, normally based on several reports on the most important...
CE Team
Apr 9, 20199 min read

Which asks should be prioritized in animal advocacy?
When recommending different charities to start in the field of animal advocacy, a crucial question to consider first is which ask should...
CE Team
Mar 29, 20193 min read

Our research is focused on where to found new charities
Over the past few months, Charity Entrepreneurship has dedicated hours of work to researching ideas for potential animal charities that...
CE Team
Mar 11, 20193 min read

Unique timing - Targeting new and growing areas in factory farming
The following is a fictional story to illustrate a point. The two interventions were both urgent. Animal Issues - Canada had been...
CE Team
Feb 25, 20194 min read

Why we look at the limiting factor instead of the problem scale
Scale, or importance, is held as one of the 3 criteria to consider when evaluating an intervention for promisingness. With the idea being...
CE Team
Jan 27, 20195 min read

From humans in Canada to battery caged chickens, which animals have the hardest lives
Authors of the research: Karolina Sarek, Joey Savoie, David Moss After spending considerable time on creating the best system we could...
CE Team
Nov 25, 20184 min read

The Importance of Time Capping
Time capping can be defined as fixing the number of hours for a certain task, research project or decision, and keeping our research...
Joey Savoie
Nov 16, 20184 min read

Our Process for Narrowing Down Which Charity Ideas to Research
Animal advocacy is a huge area and there are thousands of possible ideas to investigate, which could all be the basis for forming...
CE Team
Oct 1, 20186 min read

Is it better to be a wild rat? A systematic method of comparing animal welfare
TLDR: We looked at a lot of different systems to compare welfare and ended up combining a few common ones into a weighted animal welfare...
CE Team
Sep 16, 20186 min read

The Benefit of Broad Understanding
Some of the books I read to get a sense of animals' lives from different perspectives. I have been a vegan for 8 years and have been...
Joey Savoie
Sep 2, 20184 min read

Why You Should Care About Indirect Effects
“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” - Margaret...
CE Team
Apr 13, 20188 min read

Poverty Research Organization
This is one of our charity profiles, where we present our shallow, preliminary research on a potential, promising charity idea. We...
CE Team
Apr 26, 20177 min read

“Smart can also mean wise, kind, inspiring - and cost-effective. And that has a charm all its own.” - Nancy Gibbs When researching what...
CE Team
Apr 3, 20177 min read

Which metrics to use when picking an intervention
What gets measured gets improved. - Robin Sharma When selecting which projects to implement, you should also try to maximize your...
CE Team
Apr 2, 201715 min read

Using a Spreadsheet to Make Good Decisions: Five Examples
This post was previously published at EA forum by Peter Hurford We all make decisions every day. Some of these decisions are pretty...
CE Team
Nov 25, 20168 min read

$500 prize for anybody who can change our current top choice of intervention
We have completed our second phase of research which was to narrow a list of about thirty charity ideas to a more concise list of five...
CE Team
May 10, 20162 min read