
Is it better to be a wild rat? A systematic method of comparing animal welfare
TLDR: We looked at a lot of different systems to compare welfare and ended up combining a few common ones into a weighted animal welfare...
CE Team
Sep 16, 20186 min read

The Benefit of Broad Understanding
Some of the books I read to get a sense of animals' lives from different perspectives. I have been a vegan for 8 years and have been...
Joey Savoie
Sep 2, 20184 min read

Why focus on animals
In the past, Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) has been focused on poverty charities, founding one ourselves and supporting the creation of...
CE Team
Jul 15, 20183 min read

Some mixed views on the treatment of animals in India
We knew when coming to India that a huge percentage of the population was vegetarian and many different cultures in India had respect for...
CE Team
Feb 19, 20163 min read

How do you pick what research to do within animal advocacy?
Currently there is almost no research in the area, so you would have to narrow it down using heuristics. The Old Way Last year, I...
CE Team
May 27, 20143 min read