Applications for the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program are open until March 24.
Read about our top charity ideas and APPLY TODAY!

About CE
Our mission is to enable more effective charities to exist in the world. We strive to achieve this goal through our extensive research process and Incubation Program.
We believe that starting a high-impact charity can prevent immense amounts of suffering by:​
Redirecting millions of dollars towards a more impactful direction
Providing governments with data to run national- or state-level programs
Attracting donors from a broader spectrum of areas and interests
Shaping entire cause areas by raising the bar for effective charities
Creating opportunities for talented individuals to get involved in the field
Providing valuable learning opportunities that can enhance the whole movement
Nonprofit entrepreneurship is also a highly neglected career opportunity that, fueled by a more analytical, effective-altruist mindset, can lead to cost-effective, evidence-based outcomes that are approximately equivalent to donating ~$200,000 to effective charities per year. It provides a chance to build a portfolio of useful skills and great career capital, and to have high job satisfaction while retaining substantial individual impact.

Ambitious altruism: We strive to maximize impact and aim high in our pursuit of making the world a better place.
Consequentialism: We are results oriented, with a high level of integrity and commitment to these results.
Startup culture: We are agile, lean, and flexible in our approach, iteratively improving through quick experiments and fast feedback loops.
Science: We believe that empirical and systematic evidence is the most important for coming to key conclusions.
Caring community: We value having a warm and connected community that is highly collaborative
Program Manager
Steve leads AIM’s Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program. He develops content and approaches, coaches our startup founders, consults on new programs and outreach, and contributes to overall team dynamics, cohesion, and direction, as well as finding great founder and co-founder pairings.
Steve previously co-founded the Entrepreneurs Academy in Ireland, where he was the Head of Learning and Creative Director. He co-founded Training for Good, a rapidly growing AIM-incubated charity. He previously worked across the corporate sector as a Senior Leadership Development Consultant for over 10 years, where he focused on coaching, creativity & exceptional performance, EQ, and teamwork. He has extensive experience in designing and facilitating large-scale training and development programs.
​Steve has also built 4 houses himself, published 2 books, (which raised money for GiveWell), and he has a sideline career and successful product line in magic and illusion design.
Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program is a project of Ambitious Impact run by:
Co-Founder and
and the AIM Team.
We are currently looking for a deeply impact-motivated Program Manager to co-lead our flagship Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program with Steve!​
For more information, please check out our Job Board

Charity Entrepreneurship was formally founded in June 2018 by Joey Savoie and Karolina Sarek as a project of Charity Science Foundation of Canada that was initiated by six months of research in 2016 and resulted in the founding of two GiveWell-incubated charities: Charity Science Health and Fortify Health.
Since late 2021 Charity Entrepreneurship (CE) is a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1195850).
Charity Entrepreneurship was a project of Charity Science Foundation of Canada, a registered charity in Canada. Please click here to see Charity Science Foundation of Canada's annual information returns for the Canada Revenue Agency, including detailed financial information.
​Charity Science Foundation of Canada: 2020-03-31, 2019-03-31, 2018-03-31, 2017-03-31​, 2016-03-31
​Charity Entrepreneurship supports its incubated charities through a fiscal sponsorship arrangement in the United States with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please click here to see Players Philanthropy Fund's audited financial statements and other important compliance-related information.'
Players Philanthropy Fund: 2019 Audited Financial Statement, 2019 990, 2018 Audited Financial Statement, 2018 990